Attorney at Law

Avelino J. González, without a doubt, one of the best lawyers in the State of Florida. With one of the highest levels of cases won. Specialist in immigration, family, lawsuits, scams, deportations and much more.

Avelino J. Gonzalez

He runs one of the most prestigious law firms in the State of Florida.

  • I defend your rights

  • Within the framework of the laws, your rights will always be our priority

  • We reached the goal

  • We set feasible and concrete objectives. We are moving in that one direction

- Avelino J. González, P.A.

I defend your rights

Est autem fides credere quod nondum vides; cuius fidei merces est videre quod credis.

"Faith is believing what is not seen, the reward of your faith is seeing what you believe."